Construction workers reviewing safety protocols on a job site

Avetta & BROWZ: A Symbiotic Strength for Safety & Compliance

In today's industrial safety landscape, managing risk across your entire supply chain is no longer a nicety – it's a necessity. Recent headlines have underscored the importance of industrial safety compliance, and ensuring your contractors prioritize a safe work environment is key.

Avetta and BROWZ  two industry leaders) certification’s powerful partnership offers a comprehensive approach to supply chain risk management, allowing you to make informed decisions and elevate your overall safety standards.

Avetta Certification: The Powerhouse of Supply Chain Risk Management

Avetta has established itself as a leading force in supply chain risk management.  Their robust platform acts as a central hub for connecting businesses with pre-qualified contractors who prioritize safety. Here's how Avetta certification empowers businesses:

  • Streamlined Prequalification: Avetta streamlines the contractor selection process through comprehensive prequalification questionnaires. These questionnaires dive into a contractor's safety programs, insurance coverage, and past performance, allowing you to quickly identify qualified and safety-conscious partners.
  • Centralized Document Management: Avetta provides a secure platform for storing and managing critical safety documents, such as certificates of insurance, safety manuals, and incident reports. This ensures easy access to important information and simplifies compliance audits.

While Avetta offers a powerful suite of tools, it's important to acknowledge its primary focus: prequalification and document management.  Avetta doesn't conduct in-depth workplace safety assessments, which is where BROWZ certification comes in.

BROWZ Certification: Deep Dive into Workplace Safety

Where Avetta excels in prequalification, BROWZ certification complements the process by offering a deep dive into a contractor's actual workplace safety practices. BROWZ focuses on comprehensive on-site assessments conducted by certified safety professionals. These in-depth evaluations go beyond paperwork, providing a real-time picture of a contractor's safety culture and identifying potential hazards.Here's how BROWZ assessments empower businesses to make informed decisions:

  • Identifying Safety Hazards: BROWZ assessors meticulously examine a contractor's worksite, identifying potential safety hazards that questionnaires might miss. This could include anything from improper equipment maintenance to inadequate training procedures.
  • Addressing Safety Gaps: The BROWZ assessment report provides a detailed breakdown of identified hazards and recommended corrective actions. This allows you to work with the contractor to address any safety gaps before work commences, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries.

The Perfect Partnership: Avetta + BROWZ

The recent integration of BROWZ into Avetta creates a single, powerful certification for supply chain risk management. This streamlined approach benefits both businesses and contractors:

For Businesses:

  • Streamlined Process: One certification encompasses prequalification and on-site safety assessments.
  • Deeper Visibility: Gain insights into both documented processes and real-world safety practices.
  • Demonstrably Stronger Safety Culture: Avetta certification signifies a contractor's unwavering commitment to safety.

For Contractors:

  • Increased Marketability: Stand out with Avetta certification, a symbol of safety excellence.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Save time and resources with a single certification process.
  • Competitive Advantage: Gain a competitive edge by showcasing your dedication to safety.

What Should Contractors & Businesses Do?

No Additional Action Required: Contractors who previously held BROWZ certifications don't need to take any further action. Their existing certifications will automatically transition to the new Avetta program. If you are having issues with your account, please contact Avetta directly.

Contact us today for safety compliance guidance. 

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