Contractors’ Guide: ISNetworld Training Requirements

Contractors’ Guide: ISNetworld® Training Requirements

Standardized industry-specific safety and compliance have been around since the 1970s, yet the growing usage of technology and internet capability in these sectors has streamlined safety reporting. Nowadays, managers and clients report and submit safety procedures online for third-party review. One of the leading assessment companies with this is ISNetworld® , an online contractor management platform designed to help organizations manage internal and federal compliance requirements. This includes health, safety, quality, risk, and regulatory information that, once collected, goes through a thorough review and verification assessment for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness of data. Each of these services connects hiring clients to contractors and suppliers that fit those specific qualifications. Here is a brief contractors’ guide on ISNetworld® training requirements to help you get started. Whether you’re a contractor submitting documentation or review or are curious to know more about ISNetworld® , RAVS® , and other compliance-based review services, this blog helps answer any questions or concerns that come to mind.

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Using Technology To Promote Workplace Safety Practices

Using Technology To Promote Workplace Safety Practices

Technology always changes, leaving a new and improved system in its place. While most people imagine technology in STEM-driven epicenters, like software applications or electronics, other, more rugged industries follow. In fact, it’s more common to see technology in areas like construction, mining, logging, energy, transportation, and oil and gas. Each of these industries is using technology to promote workplace safety practices to keep their employees’ health and wellness in mind.

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Changes in Jobsite Safety w/ Coronavirus (COVID-19) - How You Can Adapt Your Contractor Company

Changes in Jobsite Safety w/ Coronavirus (COVID-19) – How You Can Adapt Your Contractor Company

Right now, our world is going through some unprecedented changes. We are facing a health crisis, and consequently, many companies are making new decisions about the ways they do business. If you own a contractor company, you cannot simply choose to work from home or interact with clients online. As your work requires multiple people working together in a fixed location, it is up to you to protect your employees and make sure they feel safe. In times of stress, people need to feel like they can look to a leader for reassurance, and this is the perfect opportunity for you to step up to the plate.
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Toolbox Talk - How to Prevent Welding Fires

Toolbox Talk – How to Prevent Welding Fires

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

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Welding is a dangerous job. No matter how experienced a welder is, he still is working with extreme temperatures, hazardous fumes, and flammable materials. According to a study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2015, more than 500,000 workers are injured every year due to welding accidents. This is not a small number. Although welding can cause a large array of accidents and injuries, there is nothing more catastrophic than fire. In this week’s Toolbox Talk, we’ll take a look at welding fires and some effective strategies for their prevention.


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Toolbox Talk - Electrical Hazards

Toolbox Talk – Construction Site Electrical Hazards

Construction sites have a great capacity for electrical hazards. Electricity is used as a power supply for tools, for lighting, and for the operation of machinery. Additionally, electricity exists as infrastructure that runs through walls, underground, and in suspended power lines. Essentially, electricity is all around us, and if we aren’t careful we can face the risk of electrocution.

Dangers of Electrical Hazards

Construction sites are full of hazards. Everyone working in construction should have thorough safety training and be prepared before entering a job site. Electrical hazards are one of many that can cause severe injury to you or your crew. Electrocution is the core concern with electrical hazards on construction sites. Electrocution occurs when your body is exposed to an unprotected electrical current. Electrocution is especially dangerous because it can cause loss of consciousness. If a worker is in a precarious position, this loss of consciousness can result in a fall or other physical accident.

In today’s Toolbox Talk, we will take a close look at the different ways we can receive an electric shock, as well as ways to avoid electrical hazards.

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Toolbox Talk - The Effects of Weather

Toolbox Talk – The Effects of Weather

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

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Looking for a PDF downloadable version for you to print off for your employees? We've got printable versions here for all of our Toolbox talks if you sign up for our newsletter!


Every contractor must contend with the weather. Regardless of where or when we work, how much money we make, or which client we snag, we have no control over the weather. We can plan and monitor forecasts all we want, but no amount of preparation can prevent a sudden downpour or bout of intense winds. Working in wet weather conditions can be both difficult and dangerous. Therefore, we must always create our construction sites with the weather in mind: we must build in anticipation of the worst, and we must bring supplies that will help protect our bodies and equipment in any scenario.


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Toolbox Talk - Excavations

Toolbox Talk – Excavations

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

There are many tasks in the construction industry that require the removal of earth. This process, known as excavation, can be very dangerous. Cave-ins and slough-offs are significant causes of death every year in the field of construction. With this week’s Toolbox Talk, you can review the process of excavation with your employees and make sure that they always follow proper guidelines when performing this kind of work.

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Toolbox Talk - Living Safely Away From Work

Toolbox Talk – Living Safely Away From Work

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

So far in this series of Toolbox Talks, we have focused on safety practices that pertain to the workplace. However, it is important for your employees to adopt safety as a part of their overall lifestyles, rather than an arbitrary mode that they tap into during their shifts. As a matter of fact, contractors are statistically safer at work than they are at home. If you think about it, this makes sense. Most accidents at work happen when employees are functioning on “autopilot,” or not paying attention to their surroundings. When you are at home, you are often in a relaxed, routine state. Depending on your personal habits, these routines can be dangerous to your wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you. 

Use this Toolbox Talk to gently call attention to your employees’ habits away from work, and to remind them to take care of themselves.

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Toolbox Talk - Barricades and Warning Devices

Toolbox Talk – Barricades and Warning Devices

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

There are two main types of construction work that typically require a great deal of public protection. These are 1) new residential developments and 2) highway work. Both of these jobs require that you modify the existing traffic patterns and, more importantly, the existing driving habits of the public. Typically, you must plan your communication with the public through strategically placed construction warning devices. This can be a rather tricky task. With this Toolbox Talk, we will go over the best ways to use of barricades and signs.


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