Standardized industry-specific safety and compliance have been around since the 1970s, yet the growing usage of technology and internet capability in these sectors has streamlined safety reporting. Nowadays, managers and clients report and submit safety procedures online for third-party review. One of the leading assessment companies with this is ISNetworld® , an online contractor management platform designed to help organizations manage internal and federal compliance requirements. This includes health, safety, quality, risk, and regulatory information that, once collected, goes through a thorough review and verification assessment for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness of data. Each of these services connects hiring clients to contractors and suppliers that fit those specific qualifications. Here is a brief contractors’ guide on ISNetworld® training requirements to help you get started. Whether you’re a contractor submitting documentation or review or are curious to know more about ISNetworld® , RAVS® , and other compliance-based review services, this blog helps answer any questions or concerns that come to mind.