Toolbox Talk - The Rules of the Spotter

Toolbox Talk – The Rules of the Spotter

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

Most construction sites rely on a wide variety of vehicles and heavy equipment, from semi-trucks to bulldozers. These large vehicles require skilled, qualified drivers. However, even the most skilled driver could benefit from the assistance of a heavy equipment spotter. Large vehicles have many blind spots, and it is always helpful to have a person on the outside to safely scan and guide the driver - especially during difficult tasks such as backing up. With this Toolbox Talk, we will review forklift spotter responsibilities within a construction site, and what they should remember when in this position.


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Toolbox Talk - The Importance of Personal Protective Equipment

Toolbox Talk – The Importance of Personal Protective Equipment

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety goggles or steel-toe boots, are standard in any contractor worksite. Because contractors work with a wide array of tools and materials, they need special equipment to protect them from various hazards. Although PPE may be introduced when workers are learning safe operating procedures in their initial training, this can fall to the wayside once workers are more comfortable working onsite. It may seem like a hassle to find and wear protective eyewear when performing a quick soldering job, or it may seem like a hassle to find and put on gloves when lifting a wooden pallet. However, accidents occur when they are least expected, and proper PPE presents a formidable barrier between safety and harm.


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Toolbox Talk - Working Safely with Heavy Equipment

Toolbox Talk – Working Safely with Heavy Equipment

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

Even though your employees all went through training before they could work on-site, it is never a bad idea to refresh their memories and review safety practices. Heavy equipment, such as a bulldozer or a crane, is especially dangerous due to its size, weight, and complex operating procedures. With this Toolbox Talk, you can make sure that your employees both operate and work around heavy machinery with safety as their top priority. Read more
Toolbox Talk - Accident Investigation Responsibilities

Toolbox Talk – Construction Site Accident Investigation Responsibilities

It is important to have a thorough structure in place for construction accident investigations. If management, supervisors, and employees know their roles in the aftermath of an accident, then the cause of the accident can be quickly identified and corrected. When everyone clearly understands their responsibilities after a worksite accident, then the entire company can work together to make the workplace safer for all. Additionally, using critical thinking skills in construction accident investigations can sharpen your employees’ awareness, and nudge them to use the same skills to recognize potential hazards in the future.

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Toolbox Talk - Preventing Fatigue

Toolbox Talk – Preventing Fatigue

Date: ____________________________________

Supervisor: _______________________________

Company Name: _____________________________

Job Name: ______________________________

Fatigue is often a major contributing factor in workplace incidents and injuries. The negative effects of fatigue aren’t often discussed, as fatigue is difficult to quantify in accident investigations and reports. Because of this, it is best to look at fatigue as a silent, slow killer. With this Toolbox Talk, you can encourage your employees to take care of themselves, and you can convey just how important it is to be well-rested for a day of work.


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Toolbox Talk - First Aid and Care For The Injured

Toolbox Talk – First Aid and Care for The Injured

It is extremely important for all employees on a worksite to understand the basics of construction site first aid. Contractors and crew members work in a wide variety of dangerous conditions, and they constantly face the risk of falls, being struck by or caught between objects, cuts, burns, and a variety of other injuries (depending on the industry and specific task being performed). If each employee understands jobsite first aid, this results in a safer environment for all involved. Minor injuries can be treated quickly to prevent infection or further strain. Additionally, trained employees can recognize the signs of more serious injuries, and therefore the appropriate aid can be called as soon as possible. Learn more in this discussion guide of first aid requirements on construction sites.

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2018 Guide To ISNetworld® Compliance

2018 Guide to ISNetworld® Compliance

One of the first things to talk about is what exactly is ISNetworld®? ISNetworld® or ISN® for short is a 3rd party service that verifies a contractors safety, procurement, regulatory, and quality data for hiring clients. What this means is you as a contractor may have Read more
ISNetworld® - Skills and Knowledge (Offshore) Program

Skills and Knowledge (Offshore) Program

You may have noticed there is a new program in your ISNetworld® account – Skills and Knowledge (Offshore) Program. This is a newly released program being required in some ISNetworld® accounts for contractors that may need to meet requirements for Read more